Every outfit during fashion week has to be well thought out. Even if you are never photographed for a blog or streetstyle hunter, your style is your business card. So I studied a look a day, and here it is! ———————— Os looks durante as semanas de moda tem que ser bem estudados. Mesmo se […]
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Estou indo ao Brasil por 4 dias!!! How jetset is that??!! E adoro dividir aqui com vocês o que coloquei na minha mala… Mas antes, talvez vocês gostariam de saber o porque dos só quatro dias? Fui convidada por meu amigo, Drausio Gragnani, aquele do jantar com as janelas coloridas, lembram? Ele tem uma agência […]
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- May 06, 2011
mala, Shopping
At the end of my bed, sits my suitcase, filled with some of my most prized posessions and ready to confront the unsurmountable self deprecating and stressful situation which is to try and live up with some fashion UFOs during the Milan Fashion Week. Slim, self assured, prim and always perfectly coiffed, made up and […]
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If you have been with us in this blog for a while, you might know that last august my dear grandmother, Dona Gabriella, an important person in the fashion history of Brasil, left us. Amongst the beautiful things she left me was a fur coat. I never thought I would have one…but this was special. […]
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Tem se falado tanto de abundância de braceletes…no verão passado na Europa, esta febre já havia começado e fiz um post. Achei que fosse o momento de apresentar outra vez para dar idéias. Aqui vai… ——————————————– Setembro 2010. Neste verão europeu pirei com os braços…cheios de braceletes, quase como uma tatuagem, um sobre o outro, […]
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One of the most interesting things in trends is when it materializes in fashion and then transports itself into other categories. The romanticism in the air became lace everywhere in clothes and then transported itself into jewellery. ———————————– Uma das ginásticas de tendência que mais gosto é quando um feeling se materializa na moda e […]
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The cardigan is having the time of its life…best seller during the winter season, it also finds its wonderful and practical use during all other seasons (if nothing else, it is the perfect solution for air conditioning). It finds its origin with James ThomasBrudenel, 7th Earl of Cardigan (1797–1868), leader of the Charge of the Light Brigade, who spent great part of […]
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