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The Queen says: “Never complain, never explain.”  So I am not going to complain that it was raining, and I’m not going to explain that for this reason there are not too many glorious images for this post.  So here it goes… ————————————————————— Como diz a rainha, “Never complain, never explain” ou seja, nunca reclame […]
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  • January 06, 2011
It’s my birthday today!  And so, there is only one modus operandi for me in this ocasion…practicing hedonism.  Today it’s all about me, and so, off I go! ———————————————- Hoje é o meu aniversário, portanto, me dou o direito de seguir um mantra só: Hedonismo (Dicionário Houaiss): “doutrina filosófica que encara o prazer e a […]
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  • January 05, 2011
Escorting you from Florence to London over the air, the Alps confer magnanimity as well as peace.  However, as soon as you touch ground, POW!  A metropolis like few others… ——————————————– Para chegar a Londres de Florença via aérea, atravessam-se os Alpes e a vista é maravilhosa.  Uma mistura de magnanimidade e paz da natureza. […]
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Last haphazard images of Colfosco…(all images enlarge when you click on them) ——————— Hoje é o último dia de Colfosco…very sad.  Mas foram umas férias maravilhosas, e depois de amanhã estou em Londres com novidades de tendência, comida, museus, etc… portanto a aventura continua e se vocês quiserem me acompanhar, vou ficar super feliz. O […]
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  • January 01, 2011
Thank you from the heart for being here and helping me try harder each day.  Happy and fun 2011 sprinkled with lots of love! —————————————– Foi um ano excepcional, incrível…graças também a todos vocês!!!!  Me fizeram rir, me fizeram sentir especial e, principalmente, me fizeram querer melhorar a cada dia.  Com todo o coração, obrigada! […]
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  • December 31, 2010
The slopes in Colfosco hold a wonderful sampling of little devils on skis.  In their multicolored outfits they whiz down in perfect form with the most subtle of movements which take them from one curve to the next.  As an adult, I look at their faces with amazement and they just look back with a: […]
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