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Do dia 23 estarei em Milão cobrindo a semana da moda…vai ser incrível!  Rua, bastidores, desfiles, Look of the day de Costanza and yours truly (eu)… Enquanto esperamos…alguns picks da semana de moda de Nova Iorque por outros bloggers…
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Here are a few of my favorite posts from a little while back. —————————– Já que gostaram da última VEZ, aqui vão mais alguns dos meus posts favoritos do passado.  Clique nas palavras roxas para acessar o post. Backstage dos Blogueiros! O desfile da Pucci. Aqui e ali em Milão durante a semana de moda. […]
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  • December 11, 2010
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The Farmacia Santa Maria Novella is one of those unique places one must absolutely go to when in Florence.  Opened to the public in 1612, it has a myriad of products from the famous pot-pourri, to soaps, colognes, jams and even products for cats and dogs. In their website, shipment around the world is offered. […]
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We didn’t even have time to wrap our hands on a Lanvin for H&M piece, that we find out this weekend Gap will release a Valentino capsule collection in London, Paris (Colette) and Milan!  In the 7 piece collection, we find the same ruffles that were on the winter trench coats for Valentino skillfully assembled […]
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Macy Gray comes through Florence with a show that becomes a party as she goes through old classics, new songs from her album, Sellout, and covers from Queen, White Stripes, Pretenders and others. Her backup singer, Maiya Sykes is an enormous plus with her carisma, enthusiasm, energy, smile and incredible Motown voice! ————————————————- Vocês acreditam […]
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  • November 16, 2010
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Rem Koolhaas presents in Florence his concept of Cronocaos.  A paradox where time and space have reached its limit in renovation.  Before 1880, restoration of building did not exist.  Surprisingly today, before a project is finished, thoughts on how to restore it are taken into consideration.  He also argues for maintaining, in certain cases, the structure […]
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  • November 15, 2010
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Marni continues with its initiative to stimulate the imagination and help children from underprivileged communities in Africa and Asia.  This year kids were asked to draw  “An Imaginary World”.  By creating a tote with their drawings and then selling it through their boutiques and their virtual stores, Marni is able to help back by donating […]
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